* DO-178C 각 단계 별 효율적 검증 방법 (계획/개발/검증 단계 에서)
- How to write verifiable requirements & testable code
- Relative cost of DO-178C verification
* Verification of project artifacts
- Requirements-based functional testing
- Resource usage analysis include worst-case execution time
- Verifying additional code introduced by the compiler (Object Code Verification)
* Verification of the verification process
- Structural coverage analysis
- Data coupling and control coupling coverage analysis
2. 날짜 / 장소 : 2024년 5월 28일(화) / MDS인텔리전스 본사 (판교)
3. 비용 : 39 만원 (부가세 포함)
4. 강사 : Dr. Matt Grummt (Rapita Inc) & 김정석 부장 (MDS인텔리전스)